Friday, July 3, 2009

Iskut, BC to Hyder, AK

We made it to Iskut, BC yesterday and stayed at the Red Goat Lodge, deciding to pitch our tents. It rained a bit as we arrived, but then cleared and had a good evening. From Iskut, we headed south and are now having lunch in Tatooga Lake, on our way to Hyder, Alaska, where will we have a day off the bikes in celebration of the 4th. Sunday we head to Prince George, BC and then Monday back to Calgary.
The local wifi access is spotty at best, but I will update with pictures in Hyder if possible. We are hoping to rent a sea plane and go for a sight seeing flight.


Anonymous said...

Eee hee hee. Sarah Palin stepped down! Good news for Alaska!! I wonder what she has up her sleeve......It can't be good.

Noel said...

Hey Tim -- the trip sounds fantastic with plenty of sights-- looking forward to pictures. Feel free to send directly if you can. Want to hear all about it. Short skirts prevailing here despite cool and off/on rain. How about up there??

Anonymous said...

Dude! No mention of the fish you caught in the morning?!?!? Sucker almost took your arm off!!!